Happy New Years Eve! The end of the year never ceases to be a time of beautifully orchestrated chaos. Deals are closed, payrolls settled, and Secret Santa gifts have been given. While there is usually a method to the madness at the end of the year and it’s natural to get focused on what is to come,
Since the dawn of civilization, when the first givers of work had more than one doer of work to choose from, measuring capabilities, skills, or fit for a job has been a part of the selection process. If you don’t believe me, just google “Han Dynasty employee testing”. And while the way we assess
The concept of utilizing remote workforces for low-cost operations is not a new one, yet the vast benefits of this workforce method have been recognized only recently. An increasing number of companies have started choosing this approach over working in an office environment mainly due to benefits
On November 12th we celebrated our third anniversary as a company. To celebrate this exciting milestone and bring us together as a team, we organized a company retreat and brought in all of our core team (consultants and business operations teammates) from around the country to put our heads
As 2018 draws to a close, everyone is reviewing their budgets and action plans for 2019. If you’re wondering what you should be prioritizing when it comes to your recruiting strategy next year, we can tell you right now…video! Drastically improve your recruiting and talent attraction with this one
We want to introduce you to James Ellis, our Lead Employer Branding Consultant and one of the newest members of the Proactive Talent tribe! James is based in Chicago and came onboard with us in September. We did a quick Q&A session with him so you can get to know him a little bit and understand
We’ve probably spilled a gallon of digital ink talking about where your employer brand comes from (spoiler: it already exists - it’s the perception prospects put together about you based on all the interactions they have with your brand). But those interactions don’t come out of the blue. When
We are living in the digital age where online reviews are everything. And this doesn’t just go for shopping or eating out, it goes for job hunting as well. As an employer, if you aren’t aware that your online company reputation matters, it’s time to start taking it seriously. 78% of people will
We want to introduce you to Courtney Lane, our new Lead Recruiting Consultant and one of the newest members of the Proactive Talent freelance talent acquisition team! Courtney is based in Austin and came onboard with us in August. We did a quick Q&A session with her so you can get to know her a