November 21, 2024

The Ripple Effect of Moving Away from DEI Programs on Hiring

In recent years, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives have taken center stage in corporate strategy, promising to create more equitable workplaces while improving business outcomes. But as economic pressures and shifting priorities lead some companies to scale back their DEI programs, it’s important to ask: What’s the real cost of this decision—not just in terms of workforce composition but also profitability and long-term success?

DEI isn’t easy, and it isn’t quick. But it’s effective—and essential. Here’s why stepping away from DEI initiatives can have a profound impact on hiring and business outcomes.

1. Talent Attraction and Employer Branding

Companies with strong DEI initiatives consistently attract a wider and deeper pool of talent. Why? Because a commitment to DEI signals to candidates that the company values diverse perspectives and fosters an inclusive culture. Without these programs:

  • Diverse candidates may look elsewhere. A 2021 Glassdoor survey found that 76% of job seekers and employees say a diverse workforce is an important factor when evaluating companies and job offers. Companies that deprioritize DEI risk alienating top talent.
  • Employer branding takes a hit. DEI is especially critical for younger generations—67% of Millennials and Gen Z consider diversity and inclusion important factors in their job search, according to a 2022 Deloitte study. Companies without DEI programs may struggle to compete for this socially conscious talent pool.

2. Workforce Diversity: A Business Imperative

DEI isn’t just about doing the right thing—it’s about doing the smart thing. Diverse teams are more innovative, better at solving complex problems, and more likely to outperform their peers. Research backs this up:

  • Higher profitability: A 2020 McKinsey study found that companies in the top quartile for ethnic and cultural diversity were 36% more likely to outperform on profitability. Gender-diverse companies showed a similar trend, outperforming by 25%.
  • Improved decision-making: Cloverpop’s analysis of 600 business decisions found that diverse teams made better decisions 87% of the time, highlighting how different perspectives drive better outcomes.

When DEI programs are scaled back, companies risk losing these competitive advantages. Hiring processes often revert to favoring the status quo, limiting the diversity of perspectives that fuels innovation and business success.

3. Candidate Experience: Fairness in Focus

DEI efforts often include tools and training to mitigate unconscious bias in hiring. Without these safeguards, companies may unintentionally create hiring processes that exclude talented candidates.

  • Fairness matters. A 2023 LinkedIn survey found that 70% of candidates prioritize fairness and inclusivity in hiring. If candidates perceive a process as biased or exclusionary, it not only deters them but also tarnishes the employer’s reputation.
  • Unchecked biases resurface. Without structured DEI programs, hiring managers may unintentionally favor candidates who reflect their own experiences, limiting access for underrepresented groups and perpetuating inequities.

4. Profitability and Innovation: The Bottom-Line Impact

It’s easy to view DEI as a “nice to have,” but the data proves otherwise. Companies that invest in DEI are more likely to achieve better financial performance, stronger employee engagement, and higher retention rates.

  • Engaged employees = better business. Research from Gallup shows that companies with more diverse workforces experience 22% lower turnover rates, which directly impacts profitability by reducing recruiting and training costs.
  • Revenue growth: Boston Consulting Group found that companies with above-average diversity on management teams generate 19% more revenue from innovation compared to those with below-average diversity.

DEI isn’t just about compliance—it’s about creating an environment where diverse ideas thrive, directly contributing to the bottom line.

5. Equity vs. Equality: A Subtle but Critical Distinction

One of the most significant risks of stepping away from DEI is reverting to an equality-focused approach, treating everyone the same without accounting for systemic barriers. DEI programs, by contrast, focus on equity—providing individuals with the tailored resources they need to succeed.

Without DEI, companies may unintentionally reinforce disparities in hiring, promotions, and leadership opportunities. Equity ensures that diverse talent not only enters the organization but also has the tools to thrive.

Why DEI Is Essential, Not Optional

DEI isn’t easy, and it’s not a quick fix. It requires consistent effort, a willingness to face uncomfortable truths, and a long-term commitment. But the evidence is clear: companies that prioritize DEI perform better, attract top talent, and position themselves for sustained success.

Stepping away from DEI may seem like a cost-saving measure or an appeasement to shifting external pressures, but the long-term costs—in lost innovation, diminished profitability, and reputational damage—are far greater.

At Proactive Talent, we believe in building a future where every hire feels seen, supported, and empowered. DEI is not just a program—it’s a mindset, one that shapes how we approach talent acquisition, retention, and business growth.

If your organization is navigating these challenges or wondering how to make DEI a cornerstone of your hiring strategy, we’re here to help. Let’s create workplaces that don’t just comply with the law but lead with intention and vision.


  1. Glassdoor survey (2020)
  2. Deloitte study (2022)
  3. McKinsey study (2020)
  4. Cloverpop analysis
  5. LinkedIn survey (2023)
  6. Gallup research
  7. Boston Consulting Group study

About the Author
Matt Staney is the Founder and CEO of Proactive Talent, a consulting firm specializing in innovative talent acquisition strategies. With over a decade of experience at the intersection of recruiting and employer branding, Matt is passionate about helping organizations create more inclusive and effective hiring practices.

Interested in learning how Proactive Talent can help your team? Explore our services.

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