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TribePod: Lessons in Leadership with Pierre Quinn

Written by Jim Stroud, VP of Marketing | Jun 23, 2021 10:37:36 PM

Is Pierre Quinn destined to be the next great American President? Brittany King and Jim Stroud speculate as much after hearing Quinn share lessons in leadership. Tune in to hear information that will shift your paradigms and inspire you to live your best life today. 


Pierre Quinn is a speaker, leadership coach, consultant who focuses on helping others to assess their strengths, understand organizational culture, and foster the relationships that lead to personal and professional transformation. As a gifted communicator and engaging storyteller the most frequently asked question is, “When can Pierre come back?”

For nearly a decade Pierre taught college students the fundamental principles of communication, interpersonal relationships, team building, and leadership. His classroom experience granted him opportunities to train and inspire leaders across the country.

Pierre is the author of Leading While Green: How Emerging Leaders Can Ripen Into Effective Leaders and Leading While Scared: How To Find The Courage To Keep Going. He is the CEO of The Cardell Group, LLC, a consulting firm which focuses on growing leaders and empowering teams of all sizes. Pierre holds graduate degrees in communication and theology from Andrews University and a certificate in Executive Leadership from Howard University.

More about Pierre’s work can be found at pierrecquinn.com





Jim Stroud (1s):
Oh, yeah. It's time for another episode of TribePod.

Brittany King (7s):
Wait, wait. Why are you talking like that? Jim, why are you talking like that?

Jim Stroud (11s):
Why am I talking like this?

Brittany King (13s):

Jim Stroud (13s):
Because I’m cool, and I'm smooth like our next guest. Our next guest is Pierre Quinn. And he has that <inaudible> voice. Just like me.

Brittany King (30s):
Just like you, Jim. Just like you.

Jim Stroud (32s):
Just like me. And people will hear his voice right after this special message. Uh-huh.

Brittany King (41s):
I can’t <inaudible>. Let me just say #pierre did it better. I can’t. I can’t.

Intro: Jim Stroud (58s):
You are listening to TribePod. A podcast series of interviews of interest to the HR community. It is hosted by Courtney Lane, produced by Jim Stroud, sponsored by Proactive Talent, and enjoyed by you. Today's episode begins right after this.

Male Commercial (1m 16s):
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We're platform agnostic. We're always going to use whatever the greatest and latest technology is, whatever the best platforms are to help create efficiencies in your media purchasing, so that you're always on the cutting edge.

Jim Stroud (2m 57s):
For more information on Proactive Talent, visit them online at proactivetalent.com or click the link in the podcast description.

Brittany King (3m 5s):
Welcome back to the Proactive Talent TribePod. It is your favorite podcast host here. I'm just kidding. It's me, Brittany King, the people in Talent Manager for a Proactive Talent and the Resident Hope Dealer. I am incredibly excited about the guests that I'm having on today. I feel like I always say that but I'm especially excited for those of you who are listening to us interested in talent management, leadership development, we have the guy, the guy is on the show with us. We are going to be chatting with Pierre Quinn. Pierre Quinn is a speaker, leadership coach, and consultant who focuses on helping others, assess their strengths, understand organizational culture and foster the relationships that lead to personal and professional transformation.

Brittany King (3m 52s):
As a gifted communicator and engaging storyteller, the most frequently asked questions he receives is, when can Pierre come back? For nearly a decade Pierre taught college students the fundamental principles of communication, interpersonal relationships, team building, and leadership. His classroom experience granted him opportunities to train and inspire leaders across the country. Pierre is the author of Leading While Green: How Emerging Leaders Can Ripen Into Effective Leaders and Leading While Scared: How To Find The Courage To Keep Going. He is the CEO of The Cardell Group, LLC, a consulting firm which focuses on growing leaders and empowering teams of all sizes.

Brittany King (4m 38s):
Pierre holds graduate degrees in communication and theology from Andrews University and a certificate in Executive Leadership from Howard University. Welcome to the show, Pierre.

Pierre Quinn (4m 51s):
Glad to be here with you.

Brittany King (4m 53s):
I am excited to kick off this conversation. And what I really would like you to do just for a moment is talk about kind of your origin story. How did you get to be where you are in this space of really helping leaders develop their talents and focusing on this work with emerging leaders as well? What's your story?

Pierre Quinn (5m 12s):
Yeah. So how much time do we have, again? Yeah, I feel like we could go into like movie mode and talk for like six hours on the origin story. I feel like in many ways, I'm a champion for young kids who are in a community or in a family, where people tell them, “You're going to be great one day.”

Brittany King (5m 32s):

Pierre Quinn (5m 32s):
You have so many talents, you have so many gifts, you have so much going for, you're going to be great one day, but there's not a lot of direction, or clarity, or even mentoring or coaching toward what that aspect of greatness or effectiveness looks like. So, I grew up in inner city kid, church kid, always talking, always telling jokes, always making people laugh, and just had a knack for fitting into different scenarios. I grew up in entrepreneurs’ kid. So, our family owned a dry cleaners and a commercial laundry. And from the time really, I could walk, I was helping out at the counter being introduced to people, taking orders, answering the phone. So, having a people facing position was really connected to my livelihood into growing up, to my maturation process.

Pierre Quinn (6m 21s):
And by the time I get to college, I'm trying to figure out, “What am I going to do? What am I going to do?” And I don't know, I have no idea. I'm undeclared as I go into school. And it's really funny because, you know, that push that you have to pick a major by the first or second week of school.

Brittany King (6m 38s):

Pierre Quinn (6m 39s):
Let you got to live. You got to breathe.

Brittany King (6m 41s):

Pierre Quinn (6m 41s):
Freshman Orientation at our small school is about 3000… 3500 people, freshman orientation, the last day of freshman orientation, they're saying, “We're going to pick class officers.” So okay. Well, that's not something I'm interested in. So, again, I'm doing me. And my friends, my friends, Brittany on a dare said, “Hey, I dare you to run for president.” “Oh, my God, I don’t want to run for president, that's so lame. “I dare you run for president.” And, you know, ego thing comes into play. And I say “All right, cool. Cool. I run for president.” Because they said, we're gonna pick class officers based on speeches.

Pierre Quinn (7m 24s):
So, you need to write a short speech and introduce yourself to the freshmen class. I said, “This is the easiest assignment in the world. This is what I do.” I wrote a short speech on a napkin. Did some alliteration thing with Pierre. You know, if you vote Pierre for president, you'll have… you'll… I don’t know, you'll have peace, you'll have prosperity, you'll something <inaudible>. And I won freshman class president. I became freshman class president. And I remember, another freshman walked up to me, she was so angry. She said it takes more than a great speech to be a leader.

Pierre Quinn (8m 5s):
And at the time, I'm a freshman, I'm like, “I don't care. I won. A couple of weeks later, we have Battle of the Classes. And in our school, Battle of the Classes is a series of team competition games. And the class that has the most points, and then I win. Freshmen don't win Battle of the Classes. It just doesn't happen. My best friend and I, had developed a communication system because we're in the campus gym, and so much noise. We develop a communication system to give the instructions to several hundred freshmen who are playing the game with us, and I'm leading this charge. And at the end of the night, at the end of the night, the freshmen class, we win.

Pierre Quinn (8m 49s):
We hoist the trophy of Battle of the Classes. And that same freshmen, who was angry at me three weeks ago, came to me at the end of battle of the classes and she say, “You have what it takes. Great leader.” That’s all that. And from that moment, I became receptive to the idea of, what does it mean to be in a space for the first time on this journey of self-discovery, and to make a difference? And the older I got, I said, "I want to help people who are like me as a freshman. I want to help people who are like me the first day as a graduate student, who stood in a classroom to teach freshmen student.

Pierre Quinn (9m 29s):
I want to be, I want to help people like me who are coming to the organization for the first time with talents and skills, who have the capacity to lead, but need some direction and encouragement." So, a big part of it was freshmen class, Battle of the Classes, and a dare to do a speech for class president.

Brittany King (9m 47s):
Talk about an origin story of all origin stories. It really sounds like to me, Pierre, you were on the fast track to this position of really helping leaders to nurture the talents that they may be either just innately had, or really identifying, “Okay, perhaps you don't have this talent. But here's what you need to do be and pursue in order to be successful in the workplace, in the classroom, and networking events.” And so, it's interesting that as you were speaking, I was like the perfect title for something of like this, this podcast episode I'm doing with you just came to my mind around, Talent Management and the Emerging Leader.

Pierre Quinn (10m 28s):

Brittany King (10m 28s):
Because often, I think, as individuals, we will put the burden on other people to, you know, control our careers, and really set the course the trajectory of where we go when the onus is on us, to make sure that we are in the places that we need to be. Either way, I think there's value and being open to receiving feedback and in pursuing it. But I would love for you to talk just for a moment, specifically as it relates to organizations who are running a business.

Pierre Quinn (10m 58s):

Brittany King (10m 58s):
So, company's running a business. We are seeing this shift in 2021, where it is a talent market.

Pierre Quinn (11m 5s):

Brittany King (11m 5s):
So, it's just like it's a buyer’s set market. It's a seller's market. No, no, no. That talent is currently in control of the landscape, as it relates to jobs and hiring. So when you think about leaders, at organizations who are at the helm of making sure they have the right people in the right positions, what is kind of your approach and strategy to making sure those organizations understand, this is what it really means to make sure you not only attract the right talent, but you've managed it in a way that is going to be beneficial for your organization, and those individuals? That was a really long question, but I'd love to hear your feedback.

Pierre Quinn (11m 41s):
So, I'll take a swing at a couple of those points. There’s a business cartoon that I referenced fairly often. And the business cartoon has to, I guess, their executives, and they're drinking coffee, and they're looking out the window, presumably of their office. And one says, “What if we train our people really well, and they leave us?” And the other person responds, "What if we don't, and they stay?” And it's like, the lightbulb goes off.

Brittany King (12m 15s):

Pierre Quinn (12m 16s):
A friend of mine, Greg Offner, on LinkedIn, put up a post, not too long ago. He was talking about, how organizations really need to create a dynamic, where their people become coachable. Their talent become as is as such a level that people literally want to steal your talent away from you. One of the challenges that we have an organizational structure, that we have an executive management, that we have in leadership development, and I know you see this, Brittany, we reserve the cultivation of our talent, to when people get to mid-level sync, negative roles.

Brittany King (12m 55s):

Pierre Quinn (12m 55s):
That's when you get the training, that's when you get the coaching, that's when you go on the retreats. That's when you get the feedback. And we're missing out on actually creating a talent pipeline, what some of the best organizations do? And what I encourage people to do in the trainings that I do for organizations is, “Let's take your top talent in the door. Let's take your emerging leaders in the door. And let's set them up on a set on a success track. Let's teach about the culture of the organization. Let's teach them what's necessary for advancement and promotion. Let's teach them when an executive looks like in this environment.” Because what happens is, and I was working with a nonprofit relative to this last year, we take frontline performers who do extremely well, who are very good in a technical aspect, who crushed their job in that regard.

Pierre Quinn (13m 53s):
And they've done it for so many years. And then we take them and we make them project managers, or senior administrators, and senior directors. And the only thing they've been doing for the past several years is being technically proficient. Now, they have to deal with people. And this is one of the greatest failures of our education system. We take all of these individuals and we teach you how to be smart as individuals. It's your grades, it's your internship, it's your recommendation letter, it's your profile, it's your experience, it's your diploma. And then we put you in a company, and we say, “Yeah, you just spent the last 4, 8, 10 years working independently.

Pierre Quinn (14m 34s):
Now, we need you to play in the sandbox with all of these other smart people." And a lot of organizations falter because there's not, there hasn't been any development in that regard. And when I work with organizations, I look to work with organizations who are keen on, not just attracting top talent, but developing that talent as soon as they hit the door, so that when vacancies happen in your organization because they are coming life happens. We're not scrambling all over Al Gore's internet to find somebody, to fill a position. We've created a pipeline for this, because we've started empowering, equipping, and developing our next generation, our next project, our next executives, as soon as they hit the door.

Brittany King (15m 24s):
So, I want to unpack that a bit, because I think you dropped so much knowledge there. And you shared so many gems that are going to be beneficial for companies, but also for those who are individuals. And they're saying, “I have been forced into this role.” Or perhaps they're saying, “I'm stuck here, because I operated excellence here. This is my zone of genius.”

Pierre Quinn (15m 42s):

Brittany King (15m 42s):
But I want to explore other things. The first thing I would ask you is, what are some of the identifiers, you see? What are some of the ways you identify an organization that is, as you put it, keen on developing talent, the moment they walk in the door? How do you make that call?

Pierre Quinn (16m 2s):
Well, a big thing for me is when I'm talking with executives, when I'm talking with program directors, or even individuals that want to bring me in for, to do some work with them. I asked them, “Give me a list of names of people who you've had your eye on, but you haven't necessarily developed a process around developing them yet.” And the organizations that can give you… “Oh, we got three, four people over here. We've noticed the work of these individuals over here. We have some good things happening in this area as a relates to these individuals that, you know, only been with the team a short time.” That tells me that we're creating a culture of awareness, culture of record looking for.

Pierre Quinn (16m 45s):
We're creating internal talent scouts. Because we're saying, “When we see something good happen, we're going to say something.” When I talk with the individual, and usually this doesn't work out as it relates to work for me, if I'm talking with a decision maker, and they don't have any names, that's usually an indicator that we're not going to do any work together. Because I'm not trying to come into your organization and convince you of the value of developing your emerging leaders, and your emerging talent. I'm partnering with you on a decision that you've already made. If you bring your observations to the table, of this is a gap for us, because we have some great individuals here.

Pierre Quinn (17m 28s):
We have some great people resources here. We just need to develop a strategy around equipping them in a deeper way we can work together. But if you're bringing me on to convince you of why this is a good idea, we're not going to do any work together.

Brittany King (17m 43s):
We know here in the TA industry as a recruiting and employer brand consulting firm that referrals are often the most qualified prospect candidate leads. We get them take prospects.

Pierre Quinn (17m 57s):

Brittany King (17m 57s):
They are people who already have an appetite, some level of buy into the organization because they've heard about it from, you know, a friend or family member, or something like that. This idea that you presented around being internal talent scouts…

Pierre Quinn (18m 13s):

Brittany King (18m 13s):
I think it's something that we often miss, because so many people are focused on, “This is my role. This is my responsibility.” And I've seen very many referral programs fail, because we're like, that's the recruiting function. That is their job. That's what they need to do. How do you create a culture where every single individual looks at themselves like a talent scout, whether or not there's a referral bonus? But it's just such an amazing place to be, that this is something that I want to essentially share with the world. How do you think organizations and go about creating a culture that gives people that title and that responsibility, as soon as they walk in?

Pierre Quinn (18m 56s):
You know, something that transfers and translates very well in the organizations is gossip. Gossip travels well, travels fast, travels at the speed of light. I mean, you know, growing up before social media was a thing of art of places and spaces where the talk is around the city before noon of something that has transpired. Organizations can leverage the same idea by elevating the things that are important. And here's what I mean by that. The things that we celebrate, and the things that we tolerate, that's a key component of our organizational culture.

Pierre Quinn (19m 43s):
So, one of the things that we can celebrate and practice, and especially from the top down is when I see individuals doing excellent work. I create the mechanism to celebrate what they're doing. And it doesn't have to be this huge thing. It could be as simple as, you know, from an in-person context, here's a stack of company branded note cards. And these no cards are not for you, therefore your colleagues. Whenever you see your colleague doing something exceptional, doing something world class, doing something just best practices, write a note, “Hey, Brittany, I was overhearing as you handled that difficult client.

Pierre Quinn (20m 29s):
It was just such grace and clarity. And I really appreciate what you're doing. I just want to give you a shout out. Have a great day! Here's a note." What happens is, that creates the culture of, “Wait a minute. We shout out people for doing a great job? And this is just what we do here. And everybody's got a stack of notes.” And when we have sharing time, or when we have our company meeting, instead of asking for what's the gossip, I'm asking you, “Hey, Brittany, when did you see one of your colleagues just crushing it or doing world class?” And you're thinking back to, “I wrote for notes last week. Let me just <inaudible> notes that I wrote.” I wrote a note for Brittany.

Pierre Quinn (21m 9s):
I wrote a note for Jim. I wrote a note for Greg. I wrote a note for Chris. I wrote a note for Deborah. They were just doing great work.” And what happens is that begins to spread and it becomes something where -- and people might not even be noticing it. You're not just firming your colleagues; you're keeping your eye out for when people are operating at a high level. So now when conversations come around, “Hey, we have an opening. Hey, we have an opportunity. Hey, there's a need here.” Who can we go to? Now, your organization has top-of-mind stories of individuals that can be recommended internally from the culture that you've created.

Brittany King (21m 54s):
So I think what I hear you say, is that, it's not necessarily about telling people, “We should all be internal talent scouts here. This is our responsibility. We're putting it in our handbook as part of your orientation.” But really creating a solid culture where people will in turn want to do that by design, is that what I hear you saying?

Pierre Quinn (22m 14s):
Yeah, because that's what we celebrate and what we tolerate. You know this. I know you work with the organizations.

Brittany King (22m 22s):

Pierre Quinn (22m 22s):
You can put whatever you want to in the handbook. You can put whatever you want on a website. You can say whatever you want to in job orientation. But if it's not celebrated, and we don't bring attention to it, and it's not something that we invite and embrace, it's just something that's on the shelf or in a PDF. So, part of creating the culture, especially from the top down is, I can't just talk about it, I can't just send you an email about it, I need to see my influences in our organization. And many times, this is comprised of our senior leadership, but not always. I need to see the influencers in my organization setting the example. Because that in many cases is the culture.

Brittany King (23m 4s):
That's excellent. That's excellent. I want to step back for a second. You said something that I very much believe should be a hashtag. I want to give you this, Pierre. “Do with it, what you will.” Hashtag people as coachable. That is such an incredible philosophy. Such an incredible organizational perspective and lens to look at your workforce. I believe that the organizations who do a leadership management, talent management, training, all of those things well understand that, fundamentally. Our people should be the best in class in this industry, so that they are targeted, and so that they are people who we have, because we know we have the best in class.

Brittany King (23m 48s):
So, one of the people I think about, one of the organizations I think about, I'm not going to say the name, but if you ever go out to eat, I'm in Texas. They have fast food restaurant. There is a certain organization where every single worker will say, “It's my pleasure.”

Pierre Quinn (24m 2s):

Brittany King (24m 3s):
And that simple phrase, set them apart. When I think about hiring interns for the summer or anything as it relates to my own entrepreneurial endeavors, I'm like, “I'm gonna go take someone from this organization, because I know they have a commitment to customer service and excellence.”

Pierre Quinn (24m 18s):

Brittany King (24m 18s):
So, what I want to ask you, and I'd love to hear your thoughts on is, this idea of people being coachable, people as coachable, what do you say to the leader who's listening? Or the leadership team who's listening and they're saying, “But if I make them coachable, like you said, with the cartoon strip, they will have more options. My bottom line will be affected, perhaps negatively impacted.” What do you say to that person that really needs to have a paradigm shift on this topic, as to why it's valuable for them?

Pierre Quinn (24m 53s):
I think some self-leadership is necessary in this regard. Because if your frame of reference is only about you, you are putting your leadership position in jeopardy. We recognize that the individuals, the leaders that make the most changes in the world that have the greatest impact on their organizations really move themselves out of the way. If I am committed to the development of my people, regardless of what that looks like, then that sometimes mean that the development of my people has to continue outside of my organization. I was having a conversation with a university president a few months ago on my podcast, and she was talking about what happened to her.

Pierre Quinn (25m 43s):
And she was climbing the academic ranks. And the president of the university said to her, “You know, there's another level here for you. That we've taught you all that we can teach you. And we're going to help you look for an opportunity somewhere else that will maximize your potential.”

Brittany King (26m 5s):

Pierre Quinn (26m 7s):
This organization had no shortage of people wanting to work for it because this is how the leader, this is how they navigated themselves. And if you're thinking, if my people become coachable, and don't take opportunities elsewhere, what's going to happen to my bottom line? The amount of money that we have to deal with as a result of that training, and we know when you hire bad, the impact on that of the organization is devastating. And when there's people turnover, there's some devastating aspects of that, as well. But in some ways, you're creating a dynamic where more people are willing to stay. We know this, the research tells us, the HR research tells us that, “An employee asking for a raise is usually a sign that they're already thinking about going elsewhere.

Pierre Quinn (26m 59s):
And that people who feel like they've been developed, they've been affirmed, they've been respected, and given more opportunities internally, stick with organizations longer than just seeking a monetary benefit.” So, if the culture knows that, I'm going to be developed, I'm going to be encouraged, I'm going to be given opportunities here, I can speak the truth to power here, I can bring my concerns and they'll be addressed here, you'll find more people actually willing to stay, because that 10k that they could get somewhere else, sometimes, they're only getting going to those places because you haven't done that work, and retaining them, and creating that culture.

Pierre Quinn (27m 45s):
So, pouring into the people it's the best thing that you can do for your organization. And it actually begins to increase your bottom line. We know this companies, I won't mention a company. You didn't mention one, I won't mention the other one. But there's one company that it's a warehouse shopping paradigm of sorts. And in this organization, their position is, “We treat our employees ridiculously well. Because if we treat our employees ridiculously well, they will treat our customers ridiculously well. And our revenue will always be up. “In this company, their revenue is always up.”

Brittany King (28m 26s):
And it really speaks to me and I think what you've really highlighted throughout our whole conversation here is that, understanding the value add of talent you already have, your existing talent, making them people who are coachable, really directly affects not only your bottom line but as a subset of that, or as it relates to that, it also affects your talent supply your talent pipeline. Because you treat people well, as you mentioned, gossip spreads like wildfire. So, people can, this can essentially result in people beating down your door, your “door” to become a part of your organization because of your commitment to your people.

Brittany King (29m 9s):
That is such an incredible phenomenon. I think, especially in today's climate peer that some leaders miss with the focus on the bottom line, you know, and they don't have any regard for their people, because everything is about money. So, thank you so much for sharing that. It was so, so, so, so very helpful.

Pierre Quinn (29m 28s):
You know, especially in the culture that we're in right now, and the things that have transpired in our world over the last two years or so. You know, it's been some work that I've been doing with organizations around emotional social culture. And one of the difficult parts about the area of work that I do is, hearing the stories of what people are going through, and recognizing that sometimes when I show up in an organization, I've heard people say, “You know, this is the first time that our team or our group has gotten together, and actually talk through the emotional social constraints that we're having.” We went from an in person to a virtual team.

Pierre Quinn (30m 15s):
I've been on board in the organization, and I've not met my team face to face, or we haven't had a group call to talk about where everyone is. Or we haven't had a time to just say, “Hey, I'm a little bit overwhelmed, because I got a dog in the background, and a sick parent upstairs, and a kid is doing virtual school.” And I just need to say that sometimes, I'm not at my best, and I need a little bit of help. And many organizations, like many leaders say, I'm so grateful, because now this is the time where I actually can be a human. And I want to challenge my leaders who are listening to this, who are out there, listen, your organization performs a service.

Pierre Quinn (31m 1s):
Yes, it produces a product. I get it, it's about making money. You're in business to make money. But if you forget about the people, the actual lives, that make up your organization, you will destroy your organization. Eventually, you will go out of business. Or even if you don't go out of business, there'll be such a blight on what you do that it will tear down your ability to expand. And especially, when people have just joined the organization fresh out of college, fresh out of internship, they don't know the nuances of the professional world, yet. They don't know even how to put up with things like more senior leaders do.

Pierre Quinn (31m 43s):
These people need that check in. They need that phone call. They need that, “Hey, how you're doing?” They need that, “How can I support you?” They need that connection. What it will do, it will endear them. It will endear them to the company over the long haul. And also, it will create a scenario where they will recognize, “Oh, this is what a great leader is supposed to do.” And they will model that in their professional career going forward.

Brittany King (32m 13s):
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Such excellent advice and insight into the field of leadership, into the field of leading an organization, and really being a catalyst for change. CEOs having the opportunity, whether it's departmental leaders, employees themselves really have any opportunity to be a force for positive change in their organization. It has been an absolute honor, Pierre. I am going to have to go back and listen to this clip, over and over again, I can already tell. Before I let you go, I would like to ask for those leaders who are listening, who would like to get in touch with you, and say, “Hey, Pierre, we need your expertise. We need your help. We want to interview you on our podcast.” What is the best way for them to reach you online?

Pierre Quinn (32m 60s):
Yes, So… Wow, time went by, already! Wow! The best place to hang out, if want to continue this conversation, if you're a leader, and you're thinking much of what you said here really resonated with me. And I'd love to continue the conversation in some capacity. The best place to reach me right now is actually LinkedIn. It is the digital playground where I hang out the most, if you go to LinkedIn, and type in my name, Pierre Quinn. You will see me there, and I love to get connected. Go ahead and send me a connection request and let's hang out. The second-best place to connect with me is actually on my website. That's pierrecquinn.com.

Pierre Quinn (33m 40s):
That's pierrecquinn.com. And if you're not a LinkedIn person, and if you have trouble scrolling on websites because you get distracted, go ahead and send me an email and that's pierre@pierrecquinn.com. It’s pierre@pierrecquinn.com.

Brittany King (33m 56s):
It was excellent. Thank you so much.

Pierre Quinn (34m 4s):
Thank you.

Jim Stroud (34m 6s):
Whoo, you know what? I think we just had a conversation, or rather you had a conversation with a future president of United States. What do think?

Brittany King (34m 16s):
I am 100% certain. And I feel like, I feel like his platform, somewhere in his platform. He needs to include the hashtag I gave him. Pierre, if you’re listening, I want my part of it. People as coachable. They may not lend itself well to the presidency. But you got to listen and see why that, so don’t...

Jim Stroud (34m 38s):
Yeah, he did a good, he did a really --I really enjoyed that conversation. I think he will do better than some presidents we've had in the past.

Brittany King (34m 51s):
For sure.

Jim Stroud (34m 51s):
And I think he also would do well with that quiet storm he was.

Brittany King (35m 13s):
A quiet storm.

Jim Stroud (35m 13s):
A quiet storm. You have to take the country back and take a seat. Some new places, that will be <inaudible>

Brittany King (35m 14s):
We loved it. Oh, we have a big storm, politically. So, we could use a quiet storm.

Jim Stroud (35m 16s):
<inaudible> To line up and vote already. I'm curious to know what some of our listeners think about the interview. If you would, please drop us an email. If you can reach us, as always, by Tribepod, T-R-I-B-E-P-O-D, @proactivetalent.com. Operators are standing by. And if you have a wish list of a political platform for Pierre Quinn, feel free to send that as well. Britney, do you have any final comments?

Brittany King (35m 44s):
I don't. He has left me speechless.

Jim Stroud (35m 45s):
Yes. I'm thinking, what should probably ask the music like <singing>

Brittany King (35m 47s):